Look & Feel Younger

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as The Vampire Facelift®, harnesses the body’s own healing powers to stimulate new tissue growth, giving your skin a healthy, more youthful appearance.

A small amount of the patients own blood is taken and the plasma is then separated out from the rest of the blood, by means of a centrifuge to create the platelet-rich plasma. This plasma is then injected into the area of concern where the platelets release their growth factors.

PRP improves skin texture and tone and regenerates collagen, helping reduce wrinkles and lines, tackle blemishes, improve scarring and restore a healthy, youthful glow.

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Questions & Answers

What areas can be treated?

Commonly treated areas include around the eyes, the jawline, cheeks forehead, nasolabial lines, marionette lines, neck and decolletage (chest) area.

How does PRP work?

When the PRP is re-injected into the skin, growth factors are released by the platelets. This promotes healing and stimulates collagen production. Collagen, found naturally in the body, is the foundation of a youthful appearance. During the ageing process, less collagen is produced resulting in decreased volume, lines and wrinkles. Through stimulating collagen production, PRP helps to promote even skin tone, reduced scarring, improved skin texture resulting in healthy, resilient, hydrated skin.

Is the treatment painful?

A light numbing cream is applied prior to treatment to make the process more comfortable. Most clients only experience mild discomfort which is the result of the injections and only temporary.

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